How we live.
- Food
- Sports
- Music
- Cultural events
- Bluff Oyster and Food Festival, Southland
- "F.A.W.C", Food and Wine Classic, Hawke's Bay
- EAT.TASTE.CENTRAL, Central Otago
- Winetopia, Auckland
- Hokitika Wildfoods Festival, West Coast
- Whitianga Oceans Festival, The Coromandel
- Marlborough Food and Wine Festival, Marlborough
- Toast Martinborough, Wairarapa
- North Canterbury Wine and Food Festival, Canterbury
Rugby World Cup 2021 (played in 2022)
ICC Women's Cricket WC 2022
FIFA Women's WC 2023
NZ Winter Games
Coast to Coast

22 January
Wellington Pasifika Festival
4 Februrary
Te Pātaka o Wairau Māori Night Market
24 June
Matariki / Maori New Year